
以创新铸就品牌价值 Purpose Win布局亚洲电竞NBC争霸赛

2017-07-26 19:10:18    来源:环球资讯网    编辑:No1    人气:

   26日马尼拉电 7月26日,由Purpose Win(Purpose Win Entertainment Limited)发起的NBC争霸赛(New Blood Championships)宣告即将开战,该电子竞技大赛以电竞新时代的领军者身份,以创新赛事的理念不断刷新人们对于电竞赛事的认知。砥砺数年,Purpose Win以赛事筑成品牌护城河,并围绕赛事辐射整个电竞产业,布局亚太电竞星球,为新时代的电竞产业发展树立了标杆。

  2017年6月,Purpose Win就在中国深圳举办了一场重大赛事,名为“Galaxy Battles Dota2 Tournament”,获奖金额达到15万美元,并举办了超过10,000人的活动。随着电子竞技在亚太地区的迅速热推、资本的涌入,呈现出爆发式增长。据伽马数据公布:2017年国内影响力较大的赛事共计96个,相比于往年赛事数量提升明显,一些重要赛事也得到了各地政府的扶持和参与,同时赛事整体质量明显提高,部分赛事品牌被用户和赞助商高度认可。

  正是赛事的创新开拓让Purpose Win处在了电竞产业的领先地位,从创立开始,Purpose Win在赛事体系和模式上可谓一年一次飞跃式的发展,Purpose

  Win作为一家总部设在香港的电子体育公司,具备组织国际大型电子竞技赛事的丰富经验,公司的负责人表示,公司的长远目标是促进全球电子竞技的发展,同时,Purpose Win还将品牌IP输出海外,New Blood东南亚电竞赛也将以Purpose Win为依托举办不同赛事类型,届时中国、越南、泰国、印尼、马来西亚、新加坡等国家将陆续举办电竞赛事,为NBC运营发展打造巡回赛,据悉,该赛事平台还将打通Web端、客户端、移动端,提供程式化的赛事模式,一站式解决办赛问题。

  以赛事为核心,NBC争霸赛将以创新经营理念构筑的品牌护城河,让Purpose Win在日趋激烈竞争的电竞市场稳居行业“独角兽”地位,而Purpose Win亦致力推动运作的电竞多元化商业模式,不仅将促进电竞全球化的发展,更是实现品牌共赢的绝佳舞台。

  New Blood Championships A Tournament Designed To Find The Next Elite Generation of DOTA 2 Players.

  MANILA, Philippines – TheNew Blood Championshipsis a South East Asian based amateur Defence of the Ancients 2 (Dota 2)

  tournament that will launch in 2017. A total prize pool of USD40,000 and main

  event slots to Season 2 of Galaxy Battles will serve as the ultimate prize for

  the winners of this tournament. The brand and tournament itself is home grown

  and designed by two dominant esports companies in the region,Purpose Win

  Entertainment Limited (Purpose Win), a Hong Kong based esports organization

  in partnership withFallout Gaming (FG), the leading South East Asian

  and Malaysian premium esports marketing company. Recently completing their

  first partnership project together hosted on 14th

  – 18th June 2017 in Shen Zhen, China (Galaxy Battles, an

  International Premium Dota 2 tournament with a total prize pool of USD150,000),

  both companies share a united vision to start building more platforms that shed

  light to the next generation of competitive esports athletes.


  an amateur tournament of this scale only further justifies that the esports

  market in South East Asia is growing at such an exponential rate, that perhaps

  it is time for its mainstream entrance into the market. One person who believes

  that esports is no longer a niche is Purpose Win’s Project Director Sky Lim who

  says that “The market for South East Asian eSports has been growing rapidly, it

  is the second largest market in the world, many players in the region are

  qualified to compete with the rest of the world, we are looking forward to

  creating a shining star South East Asian team that will have the ability to

  take part at the world stage of any esports tournament.”


  New Blood Championships will be the first in a series of amateur gaming

  tournaments across South East Asia specifically targeted at providing more

  exposure for aspiring competitive gamers. As the tournament is at an amateur

  level, all competitive tier 1 teams and players will be banned from entering

  this championship. The tournament is divided into 3 stages - online country

  qualifiers, on-ground country finals and the New Blood Championships Main



  open country qualifiers will be held across 5 countries; Malaysia, Thailand,

  Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines and 1 “Rest Of S.E.A” online qualifiers

  which consists of all other South East Asian countries. The top 16 teams from

  the qualifiers will proceed to the stage 2, the on-ground country finals (with

  exception to the “Rest Of S.E.A” qualifiers who will proceed directly to the

  New Blood Championships Main Event).


  on-ground country finals will be a LAN event focused in high traffic venues to

  shed exposure on each country’s finalists. The top team from each on-ground

  country finals will qualify for the New Blood Championships Main Event.


  in Jakarta Indonesia the New Bloods Championships Main Event will feature 1

  team qualifying from each country qualifier, 1 team from the Rest Of S.E.A

  qualifier and 2 remaining teams of which 1 will be from GamePlan’s Dota 2

  amateur tournament hosted by Genysis Esports and a remaining last slot which is

  yet to be announced. The 1st and 2nd

  placings from the New Blood Championships will proceed directly to the Galaxy

  Battles Season 2 Main Event in Manila, Philippines on 17th – 21st January 2018. All is not lost as the

  3rd and 4th placed teams will proceed to the

  Galaxy Battles Open Qualifiers Top 16 to fight for the Open Qualifiers slot

  (South East Asian Region) for the Galaxy Battles Season 2 tournament.


  the introduction of the New Blood Championships Tournament, the goal of

  increased patriotism is foreseen to rise and one person that is already leading

  the charge to find the Philippine representative is Eric Redulfin, owner of

  High Grounds Café and long-time esports enthusiast says

  that “It is time to discover new stars and rising talent and with the launch of

  the New Bloods Championships that opportunity now presents itself where new

  local talents are born and communities can finally get behind their country’s



  first season of Galaxy Battles took place in Shen Zhen, China from 14th – 18th

  June, 2017 at the Shen Zhen Bay Sports

  Centre Stadium to a crowd of 12,000 total attendees over the course of 72

  hours. 8 teams squared off for a prize pool of USD150,000 with Team Newbee

  prevailing as Grand Champions.


  platforms that allow aspiring competitive athletes to further their careers is

  the ultimate goal, we at Fallout Gaming have always believed in building

  platforms that allow amateurs to progress further. We’ve seen it with the likes

  of Mountain Dew’s Dew Challenge with MidOne progressing to Fnatic and then Team

  Secret in its first season, and vt.Faded into Fnatic in the platforms second

  season. This is just one example of many and we strive to continue this drive

  to give the community more opportunity to actualize their aspirations. Forging

  partnerships with Purpose Win and High Grounds only helps to accelerate our

  vision.” concluding statement by Adrian Gaffor, Founder and Managing Director

  of Fallout Gaming.

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